It is a well-known fact that homemade food is always a healthier option for pets when compared to the market packed food. The growing health hazards for the pets have made pet owners stick to commercial pet food containment. The basic health principles for humans also extend to pets. Homemade natural food has always been […]
Many owners feed their dog’s homemade food. But if they don’t contain the right amount of calcium, they can do more harm than good. If you ask me about the most common mistake people make when feeding their dogs home food, I have to say that it doesn’t add calcium. This error is not only
What types of fruit can you share with your dog and what fruit should you avoid giving your dog? It’s summer here, which means there’s fresh fruit everywhere. While fruit is a delicious and (relatively) healthy sweet treat for humans, not all fruit is safe for dogs. To learn more about what kinds of fruit